How to make bootable usb flash drive from direct cd or dvd. It is a simple software.
Only insert removable drive and window cd or dvd and run application.
***********Changes in version***************
+Added Windows 8 support (including Developer Preview and any future edition or SKU).
+Tested on Windows 8 DP (with .Net FW enabled), should work on any future edition or SKU of Windows 8 (thankyou Jacksoft for the additional test).
+Now supporting Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and any future edition, SKU or service pack.
+Now supporting any custom iso of Windows Vista or 7 made with customization tools like vLite, R7 Lite, WAIK, WinPE and so on (Thankyou J. Russell for the suggestion).
+Now supporting any USB thumbdrive size in case you're using a custom ISO image well below the former 4GB requirement (Thankyou J. Russell and Jacksoft for the suggestion).
+Now the software will check if the USB thumbdrive size is bigger than the source device before attempting the copy procedure (Thankyou Jacksoft for the suggestion).
*Fixed a severe bug that prevented proper scanning of the USB units in presence of an USB Card Reader, unmounted devices or both (e.g. Card Reader without any card inserted).
Now every available USB unit _should_ be enumerated correctly (just in case: if anything wrong should happen again, drop me an e-mail).
***********Changes in version 1.0***************
+First release.
For any bug or suggestion, please feel free to contact me at: snake@freemodding.it
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